
Learn this or miss the chance! Reasons why brands have to sell products through E-Marketplace

We believe that most people have already used E-Marketplace for shopping online. From the consumer’s point of view, it’s one of the choices that make their life more convenient. It has a good promotion received from that store or platform, a wide variety of products to buy, and the reviews of people who have actually bought the product. On the other hand, from the business owner’s point of view, it’s one of the opportunities that can’t be missed as it increases sales, attracts the target audience, and builds a customer base which can grow your business.

Did you know that people’s behavior has changed since the New Normal? When most people want to buy products or services, they will search for information on the internet or social media before buying. They often buy that product or service on a trusted platform that offers special discount promotions.

If you still can’t decide whether to invest in the E-Marketplace platform or not? Let’s explore these insight data first.

Nowadays, there are more than 2.4 billion users on the internet and 90% of these people purchase products or services online every day. Thus, if a brand has its store on E-Marketplace, it will greatly increase the chances of making a sale through search engines. 


The difference of E-Marketplace and E-Commerce

Many people are probably familiar with these two words but may not know the exact difference between these words.

E-Marketplace is a popular platform that has both an application and a website for selling products or services. Due to the fact that the investment is not high, it is a complete service system, and it has a large user base, E-Marketplace can reach people immediately and businesses do not have to waste their time to customize the website as well as managing the back-end system.

E-Commerce is a website that brand owners have designed and developed by themselves. They have to manage all back-end systems and purchasing systems by themselves, but they can keep the customer data and create ads that can attract more people to visit websites.

Therefore, it can be said that E-Marketplace and E-Commerce both have different strengths, so it depends on what kind of marketing strategy brands choose to use.


3 main strengths of selling products and services in E-Marketplace

Let’s understand why your brand must not miss selling products on E-Marketplace.

  1. There is insight data to analyze: If brands sell products or services through E-Marketplace, brands can get the insight data from that platform: every 3 days, every 7 days, every month or every year and analyze that data to help decide on how to sell the next products or services.
  2. It is able to sell products or services 24 hours a day: This is one of the main strengths of E-Marketplace. Since the internet never shuts down, brands can sell products or services to their customers any time.
  3. It can attract more target audiences: E-Marketplace can attract more target groups to become the real brand’s customers by using a lower investment than usual. As each platform already has a large user base, if a brand has an interesting promotion, it won’t be difficult to attract a group of users.

For these reasons, E-Marketplace is the most popular platform to sell products or services. If brands do not want to miss this opportunity to increase sales, don’t hesitate! Let’s open an online store through E-Marketplace now.

If you are interested in this marketing strategy, you can ask for more information or contact HelloAds, an online marketing specialist now.

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