How to write to impress your guys! Content Marketing, a great strategy that helps attract the target audience to stay for a long time.

In an era where social media influences people’s purchasing decisions and behavior like this, the more brands there is an increasing competition in marketing, both organic and paid sales are affecting brands and products. This makes social media platforms essential to gaining a brand advantage and a must-see.

For this reason, Content Marketing strategies have become an important weapon in this era that will help your brand grow exponentially.


What is Content Marketing and why is it a must-have strategy for marketers?

Of course, one of the hearts of marketing is content because content is the message that brands want to communicate with their target audience to create awareness of what the brand is going to do, what’s interesting, or how do you stand out from others. Whether it’s advertisements on social media, articles, blogs, news, videos, posts, statuses, reviews, hearsay, emails, etc.

With a variety of content creation channels and fierce competition among brands, causing marketers to use content marketing strategies to attract the attention of the target audience until it becomes widely known.

Content Marketing is the creation of content for marketing purposes, whether to share knowledge, attract target audience, build brand recognition, encourage purchase decisions, and many others, similar to normal advertising, but Content Marketing will consist of strategy planning, brand identity as if content is the brand that is telling. It’s about making the target audience aware of the identity of the brand itself.

Therefore, brands should place a Content Marketing Strategy similar to placing a Brand Position to build awareness and build credibility and communicate messages according to the marketing objectives that the brand wants.


Why is Content Marketing important and necessary for online marketing?

Because content is used as one of the official tools through various formats all the time, like when we search for various products to compare quality and price, when we read reviews of products and services of brands, or when we watch various online media. All that we found was Content that helps us decide to buy or cause various actions.

As a result, content marketing that produces good results tends to be content that is in line with people’s behavior and meets the brand’s marketing objectives.

In addition, Content Marketing has a variety of benefits for branding and marketing as well, namely:

  1. Help build a brand to be known. Because content is a tool that connects brands with target groups, therefore, any form of content can make people know more about the brand and understand which brand is suitable for which group as well as being able to build credibility for the brand as well.
  2. Helps to promote brand sales. In addition to content, it can help promote promotions, various discounts and notify campaigns. Content is also an important aid during pre-sales to make the target audience feel familiar until the time of the real promotion and will be able to make decisions more easily. In addition, you can also review content with Influencer to reach the target audience as well.
  3. Help build credibility for the brand. The more consistent the content and direction of the brand, the better. It will help the brand become the first choice that people only think of more because people will see the movement of the brand on a regular basis, until making the brand credibility and can increase the number of followers of the brand Including helping people make buying decisions easier and the more brands can create content that meets the needs of people, the more trusted the brand gets.

Content has therefore become essential to help brands answer questions or communicate well with their target audience and if the quality of the content and meet the needs of the target group, the more you attract more target groups to the brand.


Let’s know better what each Sales Funnel Content Marketing helps.

Sales Funnel is a strategy that wants to communicate to the target group to create awareness and convert them into as many customers as possible, which can be divided into 3 levels, that is

Tofu (Top of the Funnel)

The beginning when customers come to get to know the brand, so content marketing during this period will be done to attract people to see the value of the brand like creating blogs that tell knowledge, various matters, suggest solutions, how to solve problems, or make videos that solve questions for people who are facing problems, etc.

Statistically, blogging businesses tend to get 67% more leads per month and generate 13X ROI. On video, people tend to watch an average of 19 hours of video per week online and 69% of products and services are discussed in the video.

Mofu (Middle of the Funnel)

The level where the target audience will put your brand as one of their choices along with other competitors. Therefore, content marketing at this level must try to bring out the strength of the brand or produce as much as possible. Even if it is a superior feature over competitors as well, the more it makes the target group to make decisions twice as easily.

Bofu (Bottom of the Funnel)

The last level showing that your prospects are ready to become your customers, but may be stuck in something, causing you to not think about buying products now. Therefore, content marketing at this stage must persuade and persuade customers to make a purchase decision faster like doing product reviews using influencers as assistants, reviewing reviews from real users. Comparison of outstanding features with counterparts’ other competitors in the market without mentioning that brand. These contents will encourage customers to make purchasing decisions faster than before.


HelloAds’ content marketing services meet every brand’s needs.

Because doing Content Marketing is a brand communicating with target audiences using content as a medium, whether it’s to inform, to persuade, to educate, etc., which contribute to building the brand’s awareness and building a stronger foundation under the brand’s core style.

Therefore, what marketers should focus on is Audience Centricity, focusing on the audience as the center to meet their needs.

HelloAds understands the importance of creating content that meets the needs of the target audience. We therefore provide Content Marketing services by a team of experts in particular to help make your content reach the target audience exactly.

We have to analyze and study in-depth information every time to show the image of the brand through the creation of content as much as possible because we don’t think that we are just an online marketing agency, but as a partner who is ready to overcome obstacles go with you.

For anyone interested in Content Marketing services, you can contact HelloAds to receive special offers specific to your brand.

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