Holika Holika

Holika Holika is a combination of the English word 'Holic', which means holy and the Korean word 'Holita', which means enchantment that the client wants to create dreams and beauty for girls. Thus, the client focuses on creating a beauty brand that presents new trends in beauty and creating new unique. Including, the client wants to strive to create new values ​​that make people forget the ordinary appearance of women and then transform into a charming woman as desired.



Holika Holika from Goodmerz Co., Ltd.


Online Marketing Plan with Google Ads


2016 – 2022

We follow the needs of the client who wants to reach a wide range of target so we divide the working process into 3 steps as follows:

  1. As the client is a leading cosmetic brand from Korea, we recommend using Google Search Ads and GDN as the first channel because both of these are one of the most effective channels to reach more targets in the Marketing Funnel at that time that is the secret technique that HelloAds only uses to promote products to reach new target groups for making people know that Holika Holika products can be purchased through the website. Then we have used Google Search to allow target groups who are interested in the clients’ products to search for various products on the website easily.
  2. Later, we have set goals or conversions to create leads and do Audience Listing according to various funnels to be used in the next phrase that is optimization to optimize the campaign for better performance.
  3. As for the optimization process, it is one of the key factors that lead us to achieve the goals that our client expects. For basic campaigns like Google Search Ads, we mainly filter keywords based on Performance, and for GDN, we focus more on Inmarket Audience, including adding Campaign Remake to increase conversions higher because Ads usually follow those who have visited the website before repeatedly showing Ads to them until they want to come to the website again. This will help the target group to make a purchase decision easily. In addition, we have added an advanced function to increase the effectiveness of the campaign to reach the target group more precisely and generate more leads. In the Awareness part, we have used Youtube campaigns to increase reach and attract more interest from the target audience. In addition, AI Bidding is used to help Youtube Ads generate awareness and conversions quickly. Along with using Dynamic GDN and Google Shopping campaigns to drive conversions to double awareness among your audience. This helps the client gain more market share on the search result page, which in turn increases website conversions easily.



Some performance examples achieved by working with HelloAds specific techniques

for google channel

From the graph, you can see that the number of clicks and conversions continues to increase because when the client gets more leads, the client decides to increase their advertising budget. This makes the client’s products reach more target groups, where the number of conversions per month varies accordingly.

Segment traffic and conversions for Google Ads for each campaign type

From the Pie Chart, it can be seen that Youtube campaigns generate the highest traffic than GDN, Search and Shopping, which is 38% compared to other campaign types.

In addition, in terms of conversions, Youtube campaigns can generate conversions, second only to Google Search Ads, 4.3%. This means that in the beauty product market, Campaign Type Video can generate conversions as well as Google Search Ads or Using keywords ever.

By analyzing and collecting data, it was found that in the beauty product market, the target group trusted the perception of the video format more than other formats because the target audience can understand the results and properties easier. In addition, the analysis also shows that with the same budget, YouTube Ads campaigns or YouTube advertising may have the 1st highest conversion rate.

But, since the Online Marketing Plan that we put in place for Google Ads, we focus on the Campaign closest to the Conversion Funnel, we pay extra attention to Google Search Ads itself. We continuously collect data and optimize campaigns to get conversions that can drive more sales to the client within the same budget.

According to Google analytics data, it can be seen that 32.6% of traffic comes from Google Ads and 33% of conversions are from Google Ads, which shows that the Hero Channel that can generate users and conversions for clients’ websites is Google Ads.

It can be seen that if there is an increasing budget, traffic and conversions will increase accordingly, and data from Google Analytics itself is another data base that measures not just the performance of Google Ads that we make an online marketing plan, but also able to measure performance as well. When comparing it to other channels through the Google Analytics Channel, it will find Hero Channel, which is the 1st channel that can send traffic and conversions to the client.

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