
U Shopping Online Co., Ltd. is a company that focuses on health food supplements.



Pochong from U Shopping Online Co., Ltd.


Google Ads, Taboola Ads, Line Ads


2016 Till Now

The client wants to change his business from MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), also known as network marketing to become online marketing instead, so we became the pioneers in introducing channels suitable for creating awareness that the client’s product or service is available for sale on the website or can be ordered through the LINE application, etc.

We have divided the working process as follows:

  1. Start with Google Ads to get the best traffic quality at that moment because the client needs to know what people are looking for, we choose keywords to get people to find them first. After that we started expanding to Youtube Ads and Google Display Network. After that we need a bigger Audience Pool to shift from passive marketing (Google Search) to aggressive marketing (Google Display Network and Youtube). This increases the number of conversions per month because we are starting to see the limits of passive marketing (Search Ads) alone. Therefore, we decided to offer the client additional channels.
  2. Later, we used Line Ads as a sales channel because the main sales received from online channels are Line and in the following years, LAP (Line Ads Platform) was launched. Therefore, we have recommended the client to add Line channels because LAP’s work will only lose money when having someone add friends only, that means we can lose money when leads come in, not just traffic, allowing the client to quickly increase the number of prospects in the line. As a result, the number of sales has increased steadily as well.
  3. The next channel that we use is Taboola because Taboola has many famous publishers as partners such as Thairath, Matichon, Khaosod Nation, Channel 7, Channel 3, TV Pool, Sanook, Kapook, and other more, allowing our products to be on many famous media in a budget that is cheaper to buy directly with publisher, resulting in the client can reach new target groups and the products of the client are more reliable, including the traffic that comes in is of higher quality than the general banner because Taboola’s ads are native, that is similar to the content on that website so it makes the target audience who come to read the content on the website intend to read the advertisement as well, and if the target audience is interested in the product or content, they will click to read with real interest, making the traffic or audience that comes from Taboola to be of higher quality as well.



Some performance examples achieved by working with HelloAds specific techniques.

For Google Channel

As you can see that both the number of clicks and conversions has increased dramatically because the client gets a lot of leads in the first place then it makes the client decide to increase their advertising budget. As a result, the client can reach more target groups and get more leads.

Segment Traffic and Conversions for Google by Channel

From the pie chart below, you can see that after we successfully activated the Google Display Network, the incoming traffic accounted for 91% of the total, and the engagement or conversion on the website was as high as 79.3% because GDN was able to Reach more people and faster than that.

When we check our data holistically in Google Analytics, we can see that 70.4% of our traffic comes from Google Ads and conversions, and 76.3% of our traffic also comes from Google Ads. This means that our strategy is on the right track.

It also shows how powerful Google Ads is, but there must be proper planning in order to get the most performance out of a limited budget with a technique only at HelloAds, we can complete this goal.

For Line Channel

It can be seen that there has been an overwhelming response and continuously developed as well, both in terms of Click, in this case, Click means people who have already clicked to add friends, meaning that there are many target in LAP as well, but many customers still focus on same channel that must be Google / Facebook, allowing us to gain share in this channel without having to use a lot of budget because many people haven’t tried the LAP yet.

For Taboola Channel

The same goes for native ads like Taboola. With the unique techniques of HelloAds, both in the Creative and Setting section of the Ads, it can be seen that both the User and Goal Completion (also known as Conversion) sections are increasing by leaps and bounds and this is yet another proof that the Ads Network that generates revenue and generates conversions isn’t just Google or Facebook.

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