Super Sunway

Super Sunway (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is No.1 import service from China, procurement service, purchase order, import all kinds of products from China, deliver to your hand with an office in Thailand and there is a warehouse in China, safe and confident.



Super Sunway (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


Google Ads, Facebook Ads


March 2020 Till Now

The client has faced problems in online marketing with digital marketing agencies in the past because many digital marketing agencies accept quite a lot of customers, resulting in problems in work, including taking care of customers, it takes quite a lot of time and is not thorough. It also focuses more on the Traffic part, making customers not aware of the results of online marketing as they should or as expected because it doesn’t focus on measuring conversions itself.

HelloAds, One Stop Services Online Marketing Agency, therefore, helps to develop, improve and fix online marketing plans for the client this time by focusing on 2 platforms that the client is interested in, both Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

We have divided the working steps as follows:

On the Google Ads side

  1. Online marketing plan for Google Ads by creating a special campaign structure of HelloAds that will not limit the number of keywords, making Campaign different from other digital agencies because we focus mainly on results, but of course, although the number of keywords is not limited, we still look at the suitability based on the amount of the client’s monthly budget. We have segmented the campaign according to every customer journey, whether it’s awareness, interest, and conversion to generate traffic in all forms to achieve the conversion that the client expects.
  2. After we have set up the structure of the campaign properly, the next step is to set up Tracking and collect Audience List with HelloAds own techniques to measure the effectiveness and quality of the Google Ads Campaign for use in Phrase Optimization in the next step. There are measurements to Form Submission, Add Line and Call to be used as a measure of the effectiveness of the advertisement.
  3. For Optimization after the conversion has already been set up, the team of experts or Google Ads Specialists will remove low-performing negative keywords and test the use of AI to help campaigns become more efficient and get higher results that make efficiently the feature work depends on the number of conversions that we have, and many agencies will mainly focus on traffic and do not do tracking, making it impossible to use or fully extract the efficiency of Google Ads’ AI. This is just one example of all the techniques we use with Google to get results that satisfy our customers.

On the side of Facebook Ads

Online marketing plan for Facebook Ads will have 2 main objectives together as follow:

  1. Page promotions increase likes to build credibility for your Page because many times we tell customers that increasing Likes does not equal increasing sales, but don’t forget that it’s important to increase your Page’s credibility because everyone would not dare to buy products on Facebook if the Fan Page has low Likes or no product reviews according buying or ordering online is at risk of being cheated. So, a reassurance call is essential. As a result, in the end, it will get customers anyway. Although not directly increasing sales, it is indirectly increasing sales.
  2. Using Facebook Ads to Attract Audience, we choose to use Objectives as Messages because of the nature of the client’s business that requires a lot of inquiries. Therefore, to attract the target audience by focusing on finding contacts via Inbox, it is one of the most suitable channels.
  3. Next to the appropriate Objective and Set Up Campaign selection steps is very important step and many people often overlook is Optimization, which we have done a lot of tests within Facebook Business, whether Target Testing and Creative Testing, including setting pixels and collecting Audiences to use on Facebook to do Lookalike and Retarget. The efforts of the Facebook Ads Specialist team allow us to achieve results that the client is impressed with and expect.



Some of the performance examples achieved by working with HelloAds unique techniques.

For google channel

From the Google Ads graph below, you can see that both clicks and conversions spike up very quickly because the keywords we use have been carefully thought out, including the division of the structure of the campaign that is the main marketing funnel, resulting in effective optimization and allocated budget. Resulting in the results that came out, there was a leap in customer growth that happened through Google Ads, caused by a problem in the payment section that is delayed, causing the effect to Ads Performance itself, so Continuity is a very important part to improve the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.

Segment User and Goal Completion compared to other channels

From Pie Chart, you will find that Google Ads is a Hero Channel compared to other channels because of the total number of users, over 73.3% are from Google Ads and for Goal Completion (Conversion) is up to 43%. By increasing the budget, you can be sure that Google Ads will be able to increase both User and Goal Completion significantly.

So this is one proof of the success of our Online Marketing Plan that it is doing beautifully either in terms of viewing performance in Google Ads itself or confirming performance again in Google Analytics to see a clearer picture only In fact, online marketing in each channel will assist each other in order to generate conversions, just like people who see Ads on Facebook and then enter via Direct by typing the website name and may end up on Google Ads with Remarketing Strategy that each channel is more supportive of each other.

For an example of the performance of Facebook Ads, as mentioned above, we have measured Performance from the number of Inboxes and Cost Per Inbox. Obviously, we can provide the number of customers who are interested in contacting us for customer service via Facebook Inbox Ads have come in a huge amount and Cost Per Inbox is still very cheap, only 12.90 – 19.76. For export businesses, it’s an incredibly cheap number, especially in 2020 – 2021 where it’s much more difficult to do Facebook Ads. Cost Per Inbox is much more expensive because from the initial benchmarking, the Cost Per Inbox that the team and the customer agree on will be in the range of 50-100 per 1 inbox, making the customer impressed with the performance of the online marketing plan. We have placed a lot and still insist on using the Digital Marketing Agency service with HelloAds until today.

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